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The Weight Loss Journal

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    Our newspaper is the ideal tool for you to guide in your weightloss and help you achieve more balanced life .

    Much more than a simple notebook, it allows you to raise awareness your behavior, to observe your progress and finally achieve your fitness goals and health .

    Inspired by “bullet journals” , it was designed to be entirely adaptable and to promote the refocusing , self-assessment and the accountability among our users.

    Thanks to your journal, you can now apply the benefits of writing for your weight loss .

    More than 200 pages to guide you during 3 months.

    A support group of 3000 active users

    Stay motivated with our Facebook sharing group

    Contents of my diary

    ✔ 13 pages to take stock of your objective and your needs.

    ✔ 3 pages of explanation of the Tracking Method.

    ✔ 1 toolbox with numerous exercises and preparatory tips.

    ✔ 5 pages to organize your meal plan.

    ✔ 4 pages to organize your sports program.

    ✔ 3 pages to plan your daily routines.

    ✔ 30 monthly habit trackers (tracking charts) to observe your progress.

    ✔ 3 pages to plan your monthly routines.

    ✔ 1 weight curve to complete each week.

    ✔ 1 measurement table to complete each week.

    ✔ 1 weighing table to complete each week.

    ✔ 12 weekly pages to plan your meals.

    ✔ 12 weekly pages to plan your sports sessions.

    ✔ 84 daily pages to record your activities.

    ✔ 12 pages of weekend report to analyze your progress.

    ✔ 3 pages of balance sheet and projections for the month.

    ✔ 12 pages of mental and emotional minimalism.

    ✔ 3 pages of end report.

    Satisfaction guarantee

    Satisfied or Refunded Guarantee within 30 days.

    Without any questions.



    Deliveries in 2 to 4 days in France

    Eco-responsible papers

    FSC and Imprim’vert standards

    We have made sure to have the cleanest products possible.

    Eco-responsible journal 100% recycled interior paper

    Textured cover for a super pleasant touch.

    A5 format / Sewn square back.

    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal
    The Weight Loss Journal

    How can this journal help me?

    We designed this journal to be a valuable ally in your weight loss. Find out how it supports you and helps you on your journey.

    Video explanation


    From the first pages, you paint an honest and straightforward portrait of your current situation. Emotional hunger, health problems, sedentary have to understand where you come from to know where you are going.

    Your adventure revolves around 4 essential areas, nutrition, movement, sleep and emotional well-being.

    Before you start, you define realistic objectives and your plan of attack in the pages that we have provided for this purpose. Developing your sports plan, your typical meals, etc. helps you make these goals concrete and achievable.


    Weight loss needs to be organized, otherwise you quickly become discouraged.

    Each month, you define the habits and routines you want to observe. And every week, you plan your meals, your shopping and your sessions, which encourages you to keep your commitments.

    For three months, your daily page is a privileged space for expression and reflection.

    You record everything there, meals, activities, deviations and small victories.


    To be able to maintain efforts, you must first be aware of it.

    Day after day, you check off your commitment trackers and strengthen your discipline.

    Missed session, controlled impulse... on paper your behavior and your progress are thus honestly revealed. Awareness and satisfaction guaranteed!

    You also complete your weight tracking trackers and your weekly assessments.

    Because I've been there too, I know how much of a difference a journal can make.

    So like more than 2500 users before you, put writing to the service of your weight loss.


    How long is the diary and why?

    Our journal accompanies you for 3 months, that is to say 12 consecutive weeks.

    You therefore have 84 daily pages at your disposal to complete.

    We believe that this is the time needed to gradually develop healthy habits and anchor them sustainably in a daily routine.

    This allows you to set a realistic, achievable goal and gives you enough time to achieve real results.

    Some objectives will require 6 months or more to be achieved, but it is still recommended to divide these into medium-term objectives.

    Instead of aiming directly for the top of the mountain, it is more effective to focus on each step to get to the top.

    So even in the context of significant weight loss, you must start with the first 3 months.

    Personally, I lost 25 kilos in 9 months in total. But the first 3 months with my journal, during which I lost 15 kilos, established a solid foundation for my long-term rebalancing.

    Is it obligatory to count calories?

    It is not at all necessary to count calories to use our weight loss journal.

    We have made sure that it is perfectly adapted to everyone's different needs and objectives. You can therefore approach rebalancing your diet in the way that suits you best.

    However, in the context of weight loss, it can be useful to take stock of your consumption before starting, in order to better compose your meals.

    For those who would like to follow a calorie deficit, 1 page has been dedicated to calculating your intake over 3 months and you will find a calorie tracker at the bottom of each daily page.

    Is the diary dated?

    Our diary is undated. For the simple reason that we want you to be able to start it at any time of the year, month or week.

    It is organized in the following format: 3 months - 12 weeks - 84 days.

    You start whenever you want, as long as you start! =)

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 152 reviews
    Adeline Cala
    Une méthode que j' apprécie

    Ayant toujours aimé écrire, cette méthode me convient parfaitement. Il me faudra du temps pour changer mes vieilles habitudes, et ça tombe bien, parce que j' ai tout mon temps pour prendre soin de moi ! C'est un journal de bord qui permet me convient parfaitement.

    stephanie Cocq
    Journal papier 3 mois

    Pour le moment je ne l’utilise que depuis 1 semaine mais je prends beaucoup de plaisir à le remplir le soir, ça me donne l’occasion de prendre du temps pour moi, pour me poser et faire le bilan de ma
    Journée, et aussi d’être fière de noter si j’ai fait une activité ou non, ou si j’ai tenu mon engagement (ex: pas de dessert ni de boissons sucrés)
    Je trouve qu’il y a diverses manières d’aborder ce carnet et j’apprécie beaucoup les axes proposés au début qui permettent vraiment d’établir une sorte de bilan (très bienveillant) de notre personne/etat d’esprit/ et surtout de nos objectifs à atteindre. Hâte de le poursuivre ces prochaines semaines et de voir les résultats! Je le trouve qualitatif dans son contenu mais aussi comme objet (page épaisse, j’écrit au feutre épais et ça ne traverse pas!)

    Nathalie Carré

    Je suis contente d'avoir trouvé ce support on peut tous les instants noté notre parcours !

    Valérie NORIDAL

    J'ai commencé il y a dix jours. La méthode fonctionne bien. Faire le bilan sur ce que l'on ressent, sur ce que l'on mange, permet de se recentrer, de faire attention à soi. Un de mes items est la reprise du sport 30mn par jour, et je m'y tiens, idem pour le repas pris en pleine conscience, à savoir mâcher, manger moins vite. En résumé, le journal est une très bonne aide à la compréhension de ma relation à la nourriture. En une semaine, j'ai perdu 1,5 kg.

    Natasha Tirard
    Un carnet complet et une équipe au top!

    Le carnet est très complet et bien construit.
    L'équipe est aussi très à l'écoute et réactive en cas de besoin.
    Merci! Natasha

    Westerlynck Mathilde

    Je compte commencer le méthode en septembre, le support est vraiment sympa et le service client parfait

    Pascale GourGeau

    Je ne peux donner mon avis car je n’ai toujours pas reçu le journal ..
    Merci de faire le nécessaire.
    Bien cordialement.
    Pascale GourGeau

    Corinne Bocquel

    Depuis que j'ai reçu le livre je suis motivée pour perdre du poids. Je pense que le fait d'écrire permet de prendre conscience de mes faiblesses et de ma force et me donne l'envie de réussir ce challenge.

    Ginette Blondeau Chez Monsieur Mathieu Stéphane

    Bonjour !
    Étant chez nos enfants jusqu’à la fin du mois je ai Pas encore commencé à faire le journal ! Je commencerai début juillet

    Céline GUITTEAU

    Le Journal Perte de Poids