Lose weight and regain your balance, thanks to writing.

Writing for health and well-being.

Faced with our hectic, complex and sometimes out of control lives, it is good to be able to rely on a simple and effective Method to regain balance.

A Method in Paper Format

Our Method allows you to achieve any well-being goal.

It is based on 3 fundamental principles which have guided the design of our diary, real paper tools.




We sometimes struggle to realize the impact of our little habits on our health and well-being. However, having an honest and precise image of our situation is essential to make it evolve.

Writing has this power.

Page after page, it allows us to become aware of our behavior.

We often try to do everything at once, without really knowing where to start or how to do it.

Our journal is a privileged space promoting concentration and reflection on what really matters. Ideal for making profound and lasting changes.

To achieve a goal, keep your commitments and adopt a new discipline, it is essential to plan and organize.

Our Method encourages planning daily activities and regaining control in general.

+ 5000 women already convinced.

The history of the paper method

Our little diary is already 2 years old and is in its 4th edition !

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