The history of the Paper method

I met my partner, Fabien, in 2019. I had just lost 27 kilos .

So it was with amusement and a lot of pride that I showed him photos of my life before.

How can I put it... He was amazed by my transformation.

As a sports coach, he immediately wanted to understand the process that had enabled this radical change.

I then put an old notebook in his hands that didn't look like much.

This notebook which had followed me throughout my weight loss, bringing me discipline, an honest and straightforward look at myself.

Before starting out, I first spent 7 years hiding behind the kilos .

My well-being and health had deteriorated.

And my body had transformed without me knowing how to reverse the trend.

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I had tried to just “eat less”.

Restrictive diets, extreme challenges, miracle foods, I tested everything…everything.

But my simple will certainly could not dissuade me from going to McDonald's for the 3rd time of the week or from plunging my hand into the packet of Pringles again.

One evening, I got scared. Fear that I have spent most of my adult life hiding and hating myself. I deserved better, and I owed it to my body.

I read up on the calorie deficit, then opened an old, unused directory. On the cover page I wrote down my weight loss goals.

In my opinion, everything happened at that precise moment. After that, there was never any turning back.

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I lost the first 15 kilos without ever feeling hungry, without ever losing sight of my goals, without ever doubting.

For 3 months, I wrote down all my meals and their caloric value, my feelings, my sporting activity in this notebook. To help me stay motivated and better visualize my progress, I created a color system.

Thanks to this notebook, everything has become easier. I never had the feeling of making an effort as I felt so good seeing my progress written down on paper, day after day. I very quickly felt the benefits of a balanced diet and my sporting activity.

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After 3 months of using the notebook and 15 kilos less, I started without it. I was afraid that my good habits wouldn't stick.

But in the 6 months that followed, I lost the remaining 12 kilos, calmly and intuitively.

My relationship with food is finally repaired and I now know that I am capable of many things when I am supported by a system that suits me.

5 years later, I am still so happy with all the changes it has brought to my life.

And it's because I know how much it can change a life that at the end of 2020, Fabien and I decided to create La Method Papier. We wanted to share the benefits of my journal with other women in the same situation as me.

And for a year we have been very proud to share the adventures and success of the women who have adopted our newspaper.

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