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The Weight Loss Journal 2

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    The Weight Loss Journal 2 is the direct sequel to the Weight Loss Journal, as its name suggests.

    In this second part, you will find everything that you already loved in the first, and which helped you during the first 3 months: assessments, planning, trackers, reflection exercises... And much more!

    This second part of the adventure is in fact an opportunity to go further in thinking about yourself and your environment, in order to further contextualize weight loss. Page after page, the journal invites you to deepen the notions of pleasure, listening to yourself and responsibility .

    Throughout these new pages, you will continue to put in place the more balanced and more fulfilled life on which you have been working for 3 months already.

    You will therefore find in this journal:

    • Brand new trackers , both weekly and general
    • a new organization of the week with 12 new reflection exercises
    • around ten new tools
    • a brand new daily page
    • a super pretty new raspberry cover
    • new questions and personal assessment pages
    • new free sheets for more freedom

    Once again, more than 200 pages await you to continue your journey on the right track and achieve your long-term weight loss goals .

    IMPORTANT : The Weight Loss 2 journal is made for people who have already used the first journal , in which we lay the foundations for questioning and organization which are essential.

    View log content

    ✔ 10 pages to take stock of your objective and your needs.

    ✔ 4 pages of explanation of the Tracking Method.

    ✔ 2 body tracking pages

    ✔ 1 maxi tracker

    ✔ 1 toolbox with numerous exercises and preparatory tips.

    ✔ 15 pages to organize your meal plan.

    ✔ 16 pages to organize your sports program.

    ✔ 1 page to plan your daily routines.

    ✔ 12 weekly organization pages

    ✔ 30+ monthly habit trackers (tracking charts) to observe your progress.

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    Without any questions.


    Deliveries in 2 to 4 days

    Deliveries in 2 to 4 days in France

    Eco-responsible papers

    FSC and Imprim’vert standards

    We have made sure to have the cleanest products possible.

    Eco-responsible journal 100% recycled interior paper

    Textured cover for a super pleasant touch.

    A5 format / Sewn square back.

    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2
    The Weight Loss Journal 2

    How can this journal help me?

    We designed this journal to be a valuable ally in your weight loss. Find out how it supports you and helps you on your journey.


    From the first pages, you paint an honest and straightforward portrait of your current situation. Emotional hunger, health problems, sedentary have to understand where you come from to know where you are going.

    Your adventure revolves around 4 essential areas, nutrition, movement, sleep and emotional well-being.

    Before you start, you define realistic objectives and your plan of attack in the pages that we have provided for this purpose. Developing your sports plan, your typical meals, etc. helps you make these goals concrete and achievable.


    Weight loss needs to be organized, otherwise you quickly become discouraged.

    Each month, you define the habits and routines you want to observe. And every week, you plan your meals, your shopping and your sessions, which encourages you to keep your commitments.

    For three months, your daily page is a privileged space for expression and reflection.

    You record everything there, meals, activities, deviations and small victories.


    To be able to maintain efforts, you must first be aware of it.

    Day after day, you check off your commitment trackers and strengthen your discipline.

    Missed session, controlled impulse... on paper your behavior and your progress are thus honestly revealed. Awareness and satisfaction guaranteed!

    You also complete your weight tracking trackers and your weekly assessments.

    Because I've been there too, I know how much of a difference a journal can make.

    So like more than 5000 users before you, put writing to the service of your weight loss.


    How long is the diary and why?

    Our journal accompanies you for 3 months, that is to say 12 consecutive weeks.

    You therefore have 84 daily pages at your disposal to complete.

    We believe that this is the time needed to gradually develop healthy habits and anchor them sustainably in a daily routine.

    This allows you to set a realistic, achievable goal and gives you enough time to achieve real results.

    Some objectives will require 6 months or more to be achieved, but it is still recommended to divide these into medium-term objectives.

    Instead of aiming directly for the top of the mountain, it is more effective to focus on each step to get to the top.

    So even in the context of significant weight loss, you must start with the first 3 months.

    Personally, I lost 25 kilos in 9 months in total. But the first 3 months with my journal, during which I lost 15 kilos, established a solid foundation for my long-term rebalancing.

    Is it obligatory to count calories?

    It is not at all necessary to count calories to use our weight loss journal.

    We have made sure that it is perfectly adapted to everyone's different needs and objectives. You can therefore approach rebalancing your diet in the way that suits you best.

    However, in the context of weight loss, it can be useful to take stock of your consumption before starting, in order to better compose your meals.

    For those who would like to follow a calorie deficit, 1 page has been dedicated to calculating your intake over 3 months and you will find a calorie tracker at the bottom of each daily page.

    Is the newspaper dated?

    Our diary is undated. For the simple reason that we want you to be able to start it at any time of the year, month or week.

    It is organized in the following format: 3 months - 12 weeks - 84 days.

    You start whenever you want, as long as you start! =)

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 8 reviews
    Catherine Jubert

    Vraiment très agréablement surprise ! Simple et super efficace ! J'ai perdu 7,5kg en 2 mois et demi alors que cela fait des années que ça ne fonctionne pas. Je revis ! Meilleur cardio, meilleur sommeil, belle peau, plus de douleur au dos et articulations. Je peux aller plus loin au sport avec ces kg en moins. Super contente. C'est le bonheur. Une nouvelle vie. En plus, je ne suis frustrée de rien. J'ai retrouvé un équilibre, une hygiène de vie que je ne changerai pas grâce à la méthode papier. Mon corps me dit merci

    Clementine Samain

    Le Journal Perte de Poids 2

    Ivana Becvarova

    Le Journal Perte de Poids 2

    Lucille Pansiot

    J'ai utilisé le journal 2 après avoir utilisé 2 carnets avant cela. Je ne m'en passe plus. C'est vraiment ancré dans ma routine et c'est un super moyen de suivre ma perte de poid. Je vois une nutritionniste pour mon suivi et elle a été agréablement surprise par ce carnet que j'amène avec moi pour ces rdv. Il me permet de noter les indications données par la nutri, de suivre mon poid et autres indicateur super intéressants.
    J'ai perdu 4 kilos avec ce journal. J'en suis ravie!!! Je préfère le deuxième journal au premier par contre.

    Merci pour avoir créer ce super outil!!

    Morgane Le Moing
    Méthode efficace

    Je n’avais pas vu qu’il fallait prendre l’autre en premier mais ce n’est pas un problème pour moi, ce journal m’aide énormément, j’entame mon 2ème mois, et je le trouve très complet, facilement adaptable . Le fait d’écrire m’aide à bien ancrer les habitudes, résultat en un mois des kilos et des cm en moins, je comprend mieux mes craquages et du coup je peux les anticiper.
    Il y a de la place pour s’exprimer ce qui est très important pour moi.
    Le seul point négatif c’est la couverture un peu fragile et j’aurai aimé avoir d’autres marques pages. Une fois les trois mois terminés je pense reprendre ce modèle.

    Pauline Sieudat
    La suite d'une super méthode qui marche !

    Je viens de terminer le 1er mois du journal perte de poids 2 (après 2 journaux perte de poids). Bilan j'adore toujours autant cette méthode. 19 kilos perdus en 7 mois... juste incroyable 🤩
    Dans ce nouveau journal, une plus grande place est laissée à l autonomie (dans le choix des trackers par exemple). Plus de place aussi pour s exprimer librement, faire des constats, rebondir.
    Il est super pour poursuivre l aventure 🤩
    Je recommande vivement !!!

    Sophie Bernard
    Foncez !

    Ce journal est une vraie prise de conscience, je dirai qu'après plusieurs années d'échecs, ça m'a sauvé ! Au bout de deux mois j'ai perdu 4,5 kilos, mon objectif étant de perdre 12 kilos sur 6 mois. Ce journal m'a forcé à me poser , réfléchir à pourquoi il fallait vraiment que je perde du poid. Ça demande du temps au départ, mais écrire pourquoi on veut maigrir aide à se concentrer dessus et non à se faire avoir par le rythme effréné de la vie. J'ai allié le journal, 1800kcal par jour et 30min de yoga tous les jours du lundi -vendredi, avec moins de 15g de sucre par jour. Les résultats ont été rapide je trouve.

    Cécile Prigent
    Moins bien que le premier

    Le premier cahier m'a vraiment aidée mais je suis dubitative devant le deuxième : moins simple, moins facile à prendre en main et à personnaliser. Les tableaus sont moins lisibles . Si je dois en acheter un troisième je reprendrai le premier modèle.